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260 lines
* ⌐ Graeme Gerrard 1990
* Faculty of Music, University of Melbourne
* Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia.
* ARPANET: grae@murdu.ucs.unimelb.edu.au
* telephone: (613) 344 4127, Fax: (613) 344 5346
#include "Music4C.h"
#include <unix.h>
#include <SANE.h>
#include "AIFFtype.h"
#include "Music4C_Prototype.h"
#include "ErrorAlert.h"
extern OSErr theErr;
void prepareAIFFfile(double, int);
void FixHeaderInfo(void);
void prepareAIFFfile(TotalDuration, nchnls)
double TotalDuration;
int nchnls;
register i;
double x;
Str255 myStr255;
long aLong;
extern double srate;
int resid;
Chunk FormChunkHeader, *FormChunkHeaderPtr;
CommonChunk CommonHeader, *CommonHeaderPtr;
SoundDataChunk SoundDataHeader, *SoundDataHeaderPtr;
MarkerChunk MarkerChunkHeader, *MarkerChunkHeaderPtr;
InstrumentChunk InstHeader, *InstHeaderPtr;
long TotalSamps;
extern Boolean AIFFoddByte;
extern double srate; /* sampling rate */
extern Str255 SoundFileName;
extern ioParam myIOParmBlk;
extern long SampleRate;
extern Str255 theMess1;
FormChunkHeaderPtr = &FormChunkHeader;
CommonHeaderPtr = &CommonHeader;
SoundDataHeaderPtr = &SoundDataHeader;
aLong = (long)(TotalDuration * nchnls * srate);
resid = (int)(aLong % 512L);
if ( resid != 0 ) {
aLong += (long)(512 - resid) + 512L;;
TotalSamps = aLong;
/* initialize Form Chunk info */
FormChunkHeader.ckID = 'FORM';
FormChunkHeader.formType = 'AIFF';
/* initialize Common Chunk info */
CommonHeader.ckID = 'COMM';
CommonHeader.ckSize = sizeof( CommonHeader.numChannels ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.numSampleFrames ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.sampleSize ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.sampleRate );
CommonHeader.numChannels = (short)nchnls;
CommonHeader.numSampleFrames = (unsigned long)(TotalSamps / nchnls);
CommonHeader.sampleSize = SixteenBits;
SampleRate = (long)srate;
NumToString(SampleRate, &myStr255);
CommonHeader.sampleRate = str2num(&myStr255); /* string to extended */
SoundDataHeader.ckID = 'SSND';
SoundDataHeader.offset = 0L;
SoundDataHeader.blockSize = 0L;
SoundDataHeader.ckSize = sizeof( SoundDataHeader.offset ) +
sizeof( SoundDataHeader.blockSize ) +
(long)(TotalSamps * sizeof(int));
FormChunkHeader.ckSize = sizeof(FormChunkHeader.formType);
FormChunkHeader.ckSize += (sizeof(CommonHeader.ckID) +
+ CommonHeader.ckSize);
FormChunkHeader.ckSize += (sizeof(SoundDataHeader.ckID) +
+ SoundDataHeader.ckSize);
if ( FormChunkHeader.ckSize % 2 != 0 )
AIFFoddByte = TRUE;
AIFFoddByte = FALSE;
/* write out header info */
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(FormChunkHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)FormChunkHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to sample file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(CommonHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)CommonHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to sample file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(SoundDataHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)SoundDataHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
void FixHeaderInfo()
/* this is a kludgey way to ensure that the AIFF file header
* info is accurate. We just read it all back again from the file
* and patch it up.
register i;
Str255 myStr255;
double x;
extern double srate;
long aLong;
int resid;
Chunk FormChunkHeader, *FormChunkHeaderPtr;
CommonChunk CommonHeader, *CommonHeaderPtr;
SoundDataChunk SoundDataHeader, *SoundDataHeaderPtr;
MarkerChunk MarkerChunkHeader, *MarkerChunkHeaderPtr;
InstrumentChunk InstHeader, *InstHeaderPtr;
extern long TotalSamps;
extern Boolean AIFFoddByte;
extern double srate; /* sampling rate */
extern Str255 SoundFileName;
extern ioParam myIOParmBlk;
extern int nchnls;
FormChunkHeaderPtr = &FormChunkHeader;
CommonHeaderPtr = &CommonHeader;
SoundDataHeaderPtr = &SoundDataHeader;
/* reset file position to start */
myIOParmBlk.ioPosMode = fsFromStart;
myIOParmBlk.ioPosOffset = 0L;
theErr = PBSetFPos(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE);
myIOParmBlk.ioPosMode = fsAtMark;
/* initialize Form Chunk info */
FormChunkHeader.ckID = 'FORM';
FormChunkHeader.formType = 'AIFF';
/* initialize Common Chunk info */
CommonHeader.ckID = 'COMM';
CommonHeader.ckSize = sizeof( CommonHeader.numChannels ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.numSampleFrames ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.sampleSize ) +
sizeof( CommonHeader.sampleRate );
CommonHeader.numChannels = (short)nchnls;
CommonHeader.numSampleFrames = (unsigned long)(TotalSamps / nchnls);
CommonHeader.sampleSize = SixteenBits;
SampleRate = (long)srate;
NumToString(SampleRate, &myStr255);
CommonHeader.sampleRate = str2num(&myStr255); /* string to extended */
SoundDataHeader.ckID = 'SSND';
SoundDataHeader.offset = 0L;
SoundDataHeader.blockSize = 0L;
SoundDataHeader.ckSize = sizeof( SoundDataHeader.offset ) +
sizeof( SoundDataHeader.blockSize ) +
(long)(TotalSamps * sizeof(int));
FormChunkHeader.ckSize = sizeof(FormChunkHeader.formType);
FormChunkHeader.ckSize += (sizeof(CommonHeader.ckID) +
+ CommonHeader.ckSize);
FormChunkHeader.ckSize += (sizeof(SoundDataHeader.ckID) +
+ SoundDataHeader.ckSize);
if ( FormChunkHeader.ckSize % 2 != 0 )
AIFFoddByte = TRUE;
AIFFoddByte = FALSE;
/* REwrite out header info */
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(FormChunkHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)FormChunkHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to sample file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(CommonHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)CommonHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to sample file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount = sizeof(SoundDataHeader);
myIOParmBlk.ioBuffer = (Ptr)SoundDataHeaderPtr;
if ( (theErr = PBWrite(&myIOParmBlk, FALSE)) != noErr ) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to sample file");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);
if ( myIOParmBlk.ioActCount != myIOParmBlk.ioReqCount) {
PstringCopy((char *)theMess1, "\pError writing Header to file, wrote wrong number of bytes");
OSError(theMess1, NIL, NIL);